Death to "Gun Nuts"
I got more than 100 suggestions (see here for request) for a term to replace "gunnie" and the abominable "N" word (gun nut), and the other derogatory terms the media uses against gun owners, and that we even use ourselves -- to our detriment. Hah, the media rails against stereotypes and false characterizations, then maligns and belittles decent gun owners by ranting about bubbas packing heat. It's a national disgrace.
Well all the suggestions are listed on my site, and they sparked an idea that I think works, or at least it works for me, and I've been using it with excellent result. You'll notice that not all the ideas are suited to the job of nicely saying, "Yes, I'm a (gun nut)" (for example, Consummate Confronter of Criminals, Barrel Chested Freedom Fighter, Self Defense Community Organizer, and "Personally I don't mind knuckle-dragging-truck-driving-beer-bellied-sloped-forehead-one-eyebrowed-trailer-trash-redneck"). Man, there's some creative people out there, thank you all for participating.
The idea of "marksperson" from Charles W. got me thinking. When I was a youngster I earned my badges as a Marksman. I believe I still am a Marksman, and so are you. A good Marksman? A great one or a poor one? It doesn't matter. A nation of Marksmen is a good thing. We Marksmen have to hang together, and support one another. Women Marksmen, boy and girl Marksmen, GLBT Marksmen, we're all in a struggle for our civil rights, and those who would disarm America's decent, law-abiding, honorable Marksmen have no honor and should be resisted as the threat to freedom that they are. Marksmen unite. There, I've said it.
I'll admit it took a little getting used to, and the grammar sometimes seems strained, but only through its unfamiliarity. The more I use it, the easier it flows off the tongue. It's easy for a gun hater to sneer at a gun nut and feel self righteous, but it just doesn't work so well when dealing with a Marksman.
It's fully proper and correct for a Marksman to teach other people the craft. Offer to take your acquaintances to the range, so they can become Marksmen too.
The Marksmanship Movement in America should qualify for freedom from taxation, just like other enumerated constitutional rights like free speech.
"Are you a gun nut?"
"Of course not. I'm a Marksman. How about you?"
"Are you a gun owner?"
"I'm a Marksman. How about you?"