Million Gun March
The lamestream media told you:
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
Frustrated and angry over government's failure to protect the right to keep and bear arms, and facing confiscation schemes and outrageous infringements on the remnants of the right to keep and bear, citizens nationwide are talking about a proposed Million Gun March to be held in Washington, D.C. in April of 2010.
"It takes a lot of lead time to organize such an event, and get the permits and such," a supporter has said, who prefers to remain unidentified for fear of reprisals. "The details are being worked out, giving us plenty of time to spread the word and build support for a massive pro-rights rally."
It should be noted that the right to keep and bear arms is so restricted in the nation's capital, the most this could be is a Million Gunowner March. Nevertheless, it's an interesting concept and reflects the public's growing unrest.
A website is in place and under construction. Rumored alternate rallies at all 50 state capitals, for people who cannot travel to D.C. for the Main Event, may take place as well. Stand by for future details.
WARNING: "Unless it's a very large and successful rally, we won't get any media. And the media that would show up would only take a photo of the guy with Indian corn for teeth, wearing camouflage bib overalls and a t-shirt with a racist slogan and holes in it. And the only guys they ever quote are the ones who talk about black helicopters, the Illuminati and fake moon landings." -Fred D. [Note: Fred's got a point -- There should be a dress code, camera crews should be shadowed by silver-tongued spokespeople, we should handle this like our opposition would, smartly; this is early in a new project, it bears close watching.]
Late breaking news: Ted Nugent has agreed to perform at what is now The Second Amendment March, according to event organizer Skip Coryell.
Thhe link to the milliongunownermarch is not working. Curious don't you think?
Posted by: Faultline USA | Thursday, February 12, 2009 at 10:40 AM