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Book Beats Socialism

The lamestream media told you:

Obama's plans aren't socialist, and even if they are, they're good and what America needs. People who use the "S" word are just trying to hold America back and bring down the greatest president we've ever had, at least since Bill Clinton -- who was really the first black president, according to TV commentators.

The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:

I read a short book last night. I got so much more out of the book than I would have ever gotten over hearing Wolf Blitzer rant (what kind of name is Wolf?), or Bill O'Reilly expound, or Olbermann act snide, that I have a new motto. "Anything is better than TV."

A book is harder than TV.

With TV, I let my mind go numb and soak up what they program, while clicking the gizmo. With a book, I had to think about what was being said, and apply my own free intellect to it. I could take whatever time I needed, didn't have to fit my thoughts into the time slots between breaks, and I got a lot. A real lot. It was a beautiful thing.

The book was "Inclined to Liberty" by Louis Carabini, the man who invented and became rich from the metals-trading company Monex. I was wondering if Bloomfield Press should carry this obscure book, from the Von Mises Institute, and it so impressed me that I decided we would be crazy not to carry it. I underlined almost everything.

Carabini, a died-in-the-wool successful capitalist has identified why our system works, the way to prosperity, the way out of poverty and the heart of the American dream, in a modern and shorter take on what Adam Smith found in Wealth of Nations. He completely guts socialism. The freedom to have cash to buy a gun (or ten) is central to our liberty and the vibrant core of this book.

I'm living those principles without trying, it just comes naturally, and you are too if you love and pursue freedom. The world needs to do these things and understand these principles if it truly wants to lift itself out of the natural order -- poverty and want -- and into the bright light and abundance that freedom and liberty bring. They sure aren't teaching this in public schools.


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About the Author

  • Freelance writer Alan Korwin is a founder and past president of the Arizona Book Publishing Association. With his wife Cheryl he operates Bloomfield Press, the largest producer and distributor of gun-law books in the country. Here writing as "The Uninvited Ombudsman," Alan covers the day's stories as they ought to read. Read more.

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