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Hate Crime Hoax

The lamestream media told you:

"The second suspect in the brutal December beating death of an Ecuadorean immigrant in Brooklyn did not bother to offer any denials upon his arrest, according to the police. The police commissioner, who appeared at a morning news conference with Mayor Michael Bloomberg and other officials, said Mr. Phoenix made a full confession in the killing of Jose O. Sucuzhanay," according to the New York Times.

Police say Phoenix and his accomplice "were shouting antigay and anti-Hispanic slurs." The accomplice hit the victim on the head with a bottle, and Phoenix hit the victim in the head with an aluminum baseball bat, knocking him down, and then returned to hit him again when he saw him move.

"This horrible act appears to have been fueled by a deadly combination of ethnic and homophobic prejudice," Mayor Bloomberg said.

The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:

"Hate crimes" are a cruel hoax perpetrated by politicians and do-gooders re-writing the criminal justice system. A heinous criminal act does not get better if your thoughts meet with the approval of self-described thought leaders in society, and it doesn't get worse if your thoughts are deemed  nappropriate.

The crime of murdering a person with a baseball bat is in no way measured by how much you like or hate the dead victim. The mere suggestion that less punishment is due if you murder people without hate is an Orwellian effort to introduce thought control into society.

Americans with a memory will recall that "thought crime" was an obnoxious, detestable, vicious and arbitrary tool for government control and authoritarian fear-mongering invented in the novel "1984" by George Orwell. It has no place in our judiciary, law books, legislatures, or politicians bent on mind control and power. A hate murderer, a clever murderer, a stupid murderer, a political murderer and a plain vanilla murderer deserve equal treatment under the law.

The public is correct to hate officials who promote or use the idea, and should remove them from office pronto.

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