Obama's Mama's Hajj
6/1/09: See now also "Correction: Obama's Mama's Hajj."
The lamestream media told you:
Islam, the religion of peace, is doing so little these days there is no need to mention them, associate their religion with the word terror, or put them in the news for almost any reason at all. There's no problem with DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano deciding to call extremist Muslim terrorism "man-caused disasters," she's merely using "nuance" to avoid offending jihadis. Even the "man" part doesn't offend anything.
According to Richard Engel, the chief foreign correspondent for NBC-TV, speaking on national TV, "people in the Middle East consider Obama a Muslim." [Note: I witnessed it with my own eyes and ears but cannot find a link for you, please send me one if you have it.]
Obama himself is believed to consider himself a Christian, and his campaign has repeatedly made this claim, although he hasn't attended church since taking the presidency. FOX News reported the anomaly, which is unreported elsewhere http://tinyurl.com/cgqet8.
According to the usually reliable LA Times, Mr. Obama has decided to not celebrate the National Day of Prayer in the White House this year, a tradition in place since Harry Truman held the office. http://tinyurl.com/cuwmxv The Times, with typical opprobrium, notes that "religion was a core tenet of Republican politics," and quotes an Obama spokesmanwoman that, "I think the president understands, in his own life and in his family's life, the role that prayer plays." He thinks.
The Times goes on to say that, "Obama has shown an unusual sensitivity toward atheists, the first president to mention non-believers in an inaugural address."
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
Engel's comment about Obama being seen as a Muslim in Muslim countries got no news coverage to speak of. If it did, the whole issue of Obama's faith, if any, would be called into question, a topic the media has avoided like a third rail. (Can't say "avoided like a plague," because they're all over the swine non-pandemic.)
In other news, missing from lamestream news, Obama's grandmother Mama Sara Obama (on his black Kenyan father's side), has decided to go on hajj.
This is the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca, required at least once in a lifetime from all Muslims. She plans to go with her son, Syeed Obama. http://tinyurl.com/d25fnt
According to Muslim law, as told in the Koran, any person born to a Muslim father is a Muslim for life. Renouncing the faith is apostasy, punishable by death. Anyone who has a chance to carry out the sentence but does not, or interferes with carrying out the sentence, is also punishable by death.
Sara Obama, who was flown from her tiny home town of Kogelo near Uganda to Washington, D.C. for her grandson's inauguration, is the woman who asserted that she witnessed her grandson's birth in Mombasa, Kenya. If true, this would make him ineligible to be president. The president has so far refused to show a birth certificate to clear up the lingering doubts. It was unclear at press time why he has so adamantly refused.
If proven to be true, the ineligibility would create a constitutional crisis of unimagined proportions, aside from possibly inevitable racial-tainted riots. For one thing, the vice president might not be qualified to assume the presidency, having taken office under erroneous circumstances (voting is for the president, not the vice president, who ascends to office on the winner's coattails). That would leave Nancy Pelosi the next in line. It would also invalidate all acts signed by Mr. Obama. It was unclear at press time how bailout and buyout refunds would be made.
Some experts have also questioned Obama's race, since his mother was a white woman, making him not a black but a mulatto, a word now used even less frequently than the now discredited "terrorist" and "Muslim extremist." Media experts say the word changes are not Orwellian revisionism, thought control, or word control ("you can't think of a thing that has no word"), it is merely sensitivity.