Correction: Obama's Mama's Hajj
Do people in the Middle East really believe Obama is a Muslim? I couldn't provide the link last time (see "Obama's Mama's Hajj"), sorry, here it is -- "A lot of people in the Middle East actually do think that the president is Muslim." – Richard Engel, NBC News Chief Foreign Correspondent, speaking on the Bill Maher Show. Engel makes the statement at 7min., 55 sec. into the video at this link:, or read it here on HBO's site:
A reader writes: "I spent a month in the Middle East last summer (Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, Syria) and became informed on this issue. Because my trip was before the election, I was interested to know what people in this part of the world thought about Obama and his background. I asked many people point blank "Is Obama muslim?" Universally, the answer was "His father was muslim, so therefore he is muslim". This was true in every country we visited. According to Koranic law, he is muslim. Thanks for all the hard work you do on your email newsletter." --Chris K.