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Tax-Free Gun Sales

The lamestream media told you:

Nothing. Just because the media omits all this news doesn't mean I'm going to.

The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:

State Rep. Warner McBride (D-Courtland) has introduced legislation in Mississippi (HB 1207) that would exempt firearms and ammunition sold over Labor Day weekend from sales tax. This program generated beau coup sales in Louisiana when a similar plan was run for the second time in 2009 ("The Louisiana Second Amendment Weekend Sales Tax Holiday).

The firearms industry is working with an economist to develop data in support of such tax-free holidays. This data would be used to encourage the introduction and passage of similar legislation in other states. Currently, tax-holiday legislation is pending in Kentucky, Oklahoma and Missouri.

[Note: The public and anyone in business already knows that sales-tax "holidays" have tremendous popular appeal, and the boost to sales is a very welcome business builder especially in rough times. If our legislators were serious about stimulating the economy, they'd be declaring sales-tax holidays for everything, and getting out of the way.]


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About the Author

  • Freelance writer Alan Korwin is a founder and past president of the Arizona Book Publishing Association. With his wife Cheryl he operates Bloomfield Press, the largest producer and distributor of gun-law books in the country. Here writing as "The Uninvited Ombudsman," Alan covers the day's stories as they ought to read. Read more.

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