Arizona's Constitutional Carry Law: Corrections
My Constitutional Carry post needs a few adjustments. 1) This Arizona law is the first statute in the contiguous U.S. states that removes all obstacles to discreetly bearing arms in the state, no permit required, no residency required (but you better know our state laws to stay out of jail). 2) The law recognizes all sorts of training as valid, including any NRA firearms safety or training course, if you still want to apply for a permission slip. 3) The 8-hour government-designed course, with minimal range time (only 10 shots required) is still available, valid, and being taught. 4) Because open carry has always been legal here, it doesn't matter if a discreetly carried arm "shows," but it is considered bad form.
"Discreet" is the term preferred over "concealed," to avoid the negative sense of something to hide. It's all spelled out on my Updates page
Also note, naysayers predicted bloodbaths in bars, promoted by the media, when our discreet-carry in restaurants bill was enacted last year. Nothing happened, no correction has been issued. The same tired paranoid claim has been made repeatedly over Constitutional Carry (and every other freedom we enjoy here).

Does the new AN preemption law cover National Parks? Can you carry concealed without a permit in National parks located in AZ.
According to the new Federal Law for carrying in National Parks, you need to follow the state(s) gun laws where the National Park are located.
When I looked at the National Parks Service Gun Guides, it stated you can carry open but to carry concealed you had to have a concealed carry permit from the state the park is located or reciprocity with that state.
Posted by: Dian Valencic | Thursday, May 27, 2010 at 01:47 PM