L.A.Times Gun Truth
The lamestream media told you:
The L.A. Times "Homicide Blog" since 2007 clearly shows who's getting murdered. All 740 of them. It's not "gun violence," it's social violence for one tiny class of people. Guess who.
If you don't want to visit the link and read the whole thing:
<snip> "The truth about homicide," senior reporter Jill Leovy says, "is that it is black men in their 20s, in their 30s, in their 40s. The way we guide money and policy in this country, we do not care about those people. It's not described as what's central to our homicide problem, and I wanted people to see that. I wanted people to see those lives and to see that that's our real homicide problem in America.
<snip> "The money needs to go to black male argument violence," she continues. “Anything else you're dealing with the margins of the problem, statistically, and it's not right."
"Homicide is not a mass syndrome in America," she says. "It's a concentrated group of people and that group of people is still horribly affected by homicide."
In 2007, L.A. County's murder rates were especially low. Even so, Leovy says, black men in their 20s were dying at rates of around 140 per 100,000 per year. "As a middle-aged white lady, my death rate is probably 1 or 2 per 100,000 -- maximum," Leovy says. "These young men are dying at 140. They're in a war zone, and the rest of us are living in a different country."
"The real homicide problem is not the numbers that everybody focuses on, it's the disproportion."
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
The Times, going against their usual anti-gun-rights grain, has joined a few other courageous mainstream papers in exposing the ugly underbelly of the anti-gun campaigns waged by America's hoplophobic bigots.
Here's how "The Bad Part of Town" and failed social policies are used for sinister attacks on the right to keep and bear arms, and help justify the law enforcement world and its budgets.
Homicide in America has demographic, geographic, social and economic borders which, if acknowledged and openly discussed, would transform the debate, and place blame where it really belongs: on the causes and people that fuel the violence we hear about (but rarely actually see for ourselves, except on TV "news").
The real blame is hidden, because the truth is so painful. Crime is not spread across the streets of America. Crime, and crime using guns, happens in isolated areas for well-known reasons the media and politicians hide from you.
But, it's useful to blame guns instead of criminals, and blame guns instead of politicians and social policies, and blame guns instead of festering pesthole neighborhoods, and blame guns instead of angry young blacks, in the effort to disarm the public and transfer power to the government and away from the people.
See the maps. A picture is worth a thousand words.