Bomb Jokes in Texas
While the media, left wing and half the right wing in America went apoplectic over showing 200 nice drawings of mohammed in an art contest, I had to wonder what other elements of sharia law they thought we should also bow down to and obey. The media is still portraying this wholesome American art exhibit, contest and political statement in derogatory language, watch for it every time it is mentioned, you'll see the built-in bias and prejudice. If you haven't seen the drawings (most people haven't, the media has been sharia-scared into suppressing them), look:

Click to see them all

In contrast, islam belittles Jews constantly, but no one complains:

The original mohammed drawings that made the religion of peace go crazy are in my book on the things you're not supposed to say. I have gathered so many new things you're not allowed to say I could write two new books on it. Please buy the first one, it's a whopper:
Bomb Jokes At Airports --
And 186 Other Things You’d Better Not Say
Gannett's #2 newspaper ran my letter (!) chastising them for scolding the wonderful art exhibit, saying it shouldn't have been done, and then pounding their chest as a defender of free speech. But that's nothing -- the lunacy of other letter writers on the subject was stupefying, pasted together neatly, drop me a note I'll send them to you: