"People of Color" Is Racism
George Orwell Would Be Proud
People Without Color?
The lamestream media told you:
People of color this, people of color that, the Oscars have more people of color than ever before...
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
The left wing of America doesn't want you to notice what's going on behind the curtain.
Political correctness, which is actually cultural marxism, has substituted "people of color" for "colored people" to make their blatant racism acceptable. It is the left, and only the left, which dominates the "news" media, that uses colored people (now people of color) constantly in news stories. If they used "colored people" their racism would be on naked display. They have hoodwinked themselves. They have you going along.
This bean counting racism is unacceptable to non-racist conservatives, but it is demanded of the overwhelmingly racist marxist left, that sees everything as race-based warfare. It is textbook communism on a platter -- pit the races against each other. It is part of an effort to destroy The American Way. http://www.gunlaws.com/TheAmericanWay.htm
If you substitute "colored people" every time you read "people of color" as you follow the so-called "news" the racism is glaring. The grammatical difference is tiny. The substantive difference is enormous. Left-wing racists insist on singling out people based on race, and name calling. Conservatives, centrists and moderates (almost the same thing) never do, because they shy away from racism and calling people colored ("of color"). It's just not right. It's left.
"Left-wing racists insist on singling out people based on race"
There is one exception to that: When reporting on crimes committed by "people of color".
In that one instance you'd be hard pressed to discover a reference to the suspect's race in the reporting.
Posted by: Sailorcurt | Friday, March 17, 2017 at 01:08 PM