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Leftists Dominate Navy News

Naval ship commissioning attracts one party

The USS Gabrielle Giffords, a coastal waters ("littoral") combat vessel, named for the former congresswoman who was shot by a crazed mass murderer and survived, was commissioned recently in Texas, as it is set to begin operations.

The highly contentious nature of the vessel's naming is underscored by the fact that congresswoman Gifford's main claim to notoriety, aside from being the victim of a mass murderer, is her role as the poster child for anti-gun-rights campaigns funded in large measure by anti-rights bigot Michael Bloomberg and his cohorts. Her husband, former astronaut Mark Kelly, cooperates with the civil-rights discrimination efforts and appearances.

The partisan nature of her activities and the ship's commissioning were emphasized by the other notables at the event, including former second lady Jill Biden, House minority leader Nancy Pelosi, and the most divisive figure in American politics today, the woman who singlehandedly set the political left on fire when her corrupt effort to gain the presidency met with stunning defeat, Hillary Rodham Clinton. No notable republicans attended the event, according to published reports.

This naming of this $350 million vessel set an odd precedent, for reasons that were unclear at press time. For the Navy to name a vessel after a person who campaigns to disarm the American public is a disgrace, according to experts familiar with the situation.

We have been unable to verify reports the USS Giffords will be the Navy's first "weapons free" ship, serving a vegan menu, featuring numerous safe spaces, unisex uniforms and more. The rest of this report has been verified.


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  • Freelance writer Alan Korwin is a founder and past president of the Arizona Book Publishing Association. With his wife Cheryl he operates Bloomfield Press, the largest producer and distributor of gun-law books in the country. Here writing as "The Uninvited Ombudsman," Alan covers the day's stories as they ought to read. Read more.

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