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Afghanistan "news"

If the Afghanistan exit shows us anything, it's that you can't trust the "news."

No, that's not it. Not, "don't trust." The so-called news is a deceptive crock of misdirection that the people presenting it don't and can't recognize as a manufactured pile of designed tactics controlled by puppeteers.

It is worse than misinformation. It is manufactured by people with agendas who want you to believe a set of statements that have nothing to do with truth or reality. They use panels of people who say what they want them to say, without understanding or any connection to the situations on which they comment. People in tailored suits, coiffed, in air conditioning, opining away with the key tell, "I think..." We should care what you think? You same people on this new subject? The guy on the bar stool next to us at happy hour has as much relevance.

Like a John Grisham or Clive Cussler political novel, we're getting 100% Wag The Dog. Watch that movie if you have not already, it's an eye opener. The news panels issue series of statements designed to throw you off the scent. Made to keep you well informed of what isn't so. Ready to turn on a dime and keep you believing that NOW you know.

We will be out of Afghanistan by August 31. Oh, now it's August 30, the people in charge knew all the time, issued phony statements, and just misled us (and every talking head in the nation) for our own good. To make the project fly. To cooperate with our pseudo allies the Taliban. To help deceive ISIS. Say what?

No, not ISIS. ISIS-K. ISIS what? Who is that? No one asks. It simply is. Where have they been for the past decade... or week? Media lapdogs just lap it up, as do the Generals on the tube, and everyone swallows. Including you.The new ISIS, with a new name. Now at a theater near you. Is there an ISIS-B? Will you swallow when they make an appearance? How many are there? As Mr. Obama used to speak of, with reverence, The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIL, remember them? You can look it up (but when was the last time you looked up anything, not on the Internet?) whose leaders "are people of misbelief and misguidance..." Let's just not go there.

The Taliban are controlling the roads and, well everything, these 6th century backward heathen barbarians. No, wait, they are spiriting out the Americans, by the thousands! Hooray for our side! But they had to keep it a secret. Uhh, whose report do you trust now? Do they know how to use all that gear we bought for them, that Mr. Biden turned over? While he is making every effort to disarm we citizens at home?

We do know our spy agencies can read newsprint from satellites in orbit. Do you really think they are not watching everything from space? Military gear is flowing across the borders to neighboring countries, the trashcanistans, for favors, cash, you name it. Have you heard any reports about that? You do recognize that you can turn on any channel and in 30 seconds, literally 30 seconds, and hear everything they are going to tell you. The Taliban have overrun everything, Afghan soldiers surprise collapsed, Americans are stuck, most got out, except some who might want to stay, atrocities are coming, we can project force over the horizon. the war is over, no it's not, we did the right thing/we're screwed (depending on station) the commies are coming. Did I miss anything? Now for the weather.


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  • Freelance writer Alan Korwin is a founder and past president of the Arizona Book Publishing Association. With his wife Cheryl he operates Bloomfield Press, the largest producer and distributor of gun-law books in the country. Here writing as "The Uninvited Ombudsman," Alan covers the day's stories as they ought to read. Read more.

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