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It's not about GUNS. It's about CRIME.

It’s not about “gun violence.” It’s about CRIME.
We all know the left is masterful at twisting words. From “Saturday Night Specials” to “Cooling Off Periods” to “Junk Guns,” now long forgotten, “gun violence” is the exact same deception.
CRIME is what’s running rampant. CRIME is out of control.
You all watch TV, see, hear and read the so-called “news.” Stabbings, murdering people on train tracks, daylight muggings, thousands of inner city murders, stealing, retail thievery without compunction, smash and grab—the real problem is people who would do such things. America suddenly has many of them—with long rap sheets, multiple felonies, loose on the streets.
The false narrative says murders will stop, if only we confiscate guns—a subtle but seductive error of logic. Weapons aren’t the issue. It is use of weapons, for evil purpose by misguided or evil people, that’s what needs attention. Our politicians are avoiding this harsh reality, in vain efforts to preserve a voting base. It’s not working. It can’t work. The criminals must be stopped, and the racist and economic reasons they are multiplying and getting more brazen must be addressed.
Until politicians get on the case, and empower law enforcement, you better have your own loaded gun, for its intended purpose—protection from thugs and tyranny. Both are in our faces daily. Wise Jewish people understand this, we have been through it since the Exodus. Learn from us.
When media reports say “gun violence,” think “crime,” and reach understanding. When you hear “ghost guns” (a brand new term invented by the left), realize we have 350 million guns, ghosts are pure distraction. They’re faking you out. Think instead, “armed criminals,” the real problem they don’t want you to recognize.    
Part 2: An open letter to the left:
Focus on the murderous psychotic children, you’ll meet success. By focusing on guns, all you do is face a wall of honest resistance.
All Americans want to stop the murders.
They do not want to relinquish their rights.
Work with us, not against us, we shall overcome.
Once again, psychotic murderous youngsters are motivating Democrats to attack guns, instead of attacking crime and psychosis. Why are children murdering each other? You don’t know, don’t want to know, and want to do what you’ve done before—that everyone knows doesn’t work.
1. Gun control is not related to crime control. Crime control is what’s needed. People who commit crimes, without conscience or resistance—that’s a problem. Crimes by psychopaths, that’s a problem. Assault of every type is already totally illegal. That’s done, enforce it, get results.
2. With 350 million guns already distributed, restricting more sales makes no sense. About half the nation, maybe more, qualifies as innocent gun owners. That’s a good thing. They harm no one. Don’t fail to grasp this. By aiming at them after rampage murders, with repetitious laws, you anger a sleeping tiger. You defeat yourselves, and hurt us all.
3. By assaulting gun rights you merely aggravate the NRA and 100 million gun owners. This is not what you want, it’s a battle you won’t win, and it won’t protect kids—just like all the times before. You want to stop murderers and save lives, right? Do things that stop criminal behavior.
4. People bought 22 million guns last year (it’s true!) because you’re doing the wrong thing. People, even you, want to feel safe and have protection. Right now people feel unsafe, vulnerable and undefended. So they’re doing the right thing by getting armed. Trying to stop them, because a tiny number of psychotics are acting out gets you nowhere. Surely deep down you must know that. You’ve been down this path before. If you don’t change, then you are personally perpetuating the problem.
5. Remember—Assault is a behavior, not hardware. Stop the behavior. Relying on this fabricated term “assault weapon” hides the fact that any weapon can be used in an assault. It is the crime, not the tools, that you must resolve. You are avoiding the problem, caused by people, so it just gets worse. You share responsibility for the bloodshed, along with the evil perpetrators, by adamantly repeating your past actions that you know don’t work.
Work with the firearms community to stop hellacious murders. Or work with your fellow gun-controllers to illegally confiscate legal property. Only one will get the result you say you seek. Choose wisely.
Here is a compromise for you—Disarm everyone, bad guys first. Disarming good people doesn’t make bad people harmless.

"We never point guns at each other." –Hollywood


Hint: "Know your target and what's beyond it."


Government and mass media count on your short memory

The people who matter (the elites) have figured out the American public (that includes you) can't remember even obvious things, so they can invent tales about anything, repeat them, and you'll buy in.

Don't think it's true? Before the Ukraine invasion, do you remember ever hearing that we are dependent on Russia for oil? I didn't think so. What you recall, with a bit of a refresher, is:


The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. OPEC. They held us for ransom, manipulated how much oil they produced (actually, just sucked out of the ground). Manipulated prices by manipulating supply. If it wasn't for their infighting and lack of cohesion, they could act in unison and starve the world of energy. Those Arab states were malicious. We were dependent. The old joke, Why did the Almighty give the Arabs oil, and only gave Israel sand? The chosen people. For dirt.

Then came 2019, and with effort and some subtle changes, the U.S. became not only energy independent, we were a net exporter of oil. What happened? President Magoo shut off our own supplies, leases, projects, exploration, pipelines and as expected, we got screwed, blued and tattooed. Even so, look it up -- we produce slightly more oil than we consume daily. It's complicated.

The moral of the story -- If it's in the "news" it's probably wrong. That has been true, as I've been saying about firearms, for decades now, literally.

So let's blame Russia for our high gas prices, and (non) lack of oil. The same as lefties blamed Russia for Trump's election. And his actions as a spy and Putin puppet (media bought that at least), though now proven totally false.

The real threat from Russia is communism, and dictatorship. But since the left is now borderline communist themselves, we can't go after Russia for being commies, like we always could. Damned red Rooskies!


Is mass media leading America astray?


And they’re not gunmen either—a completely sexist term

You may think you’re getting news, when you’re being filled with prejudice


Mass media is on a non-stop campaign to vilify and outlaw America’s hardware of liberty—firearms. In a self-defeating mantra, the very tools needed to preserve freedom of the press, and all other freedoms we enjoy here, are under withering attack by the so-called Fourth Estate. It has become a Fifth Column in the deliberate effort to undermine all the good this country represents for the world.

A significant segment of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership,, and this nation, are shooters. That term reporters and editors misuse to misdirect thinking about murderers. A mass murderer and a shooter are different things. Conflating these terms is offensive. It insults the fine art and skills of shooting, and learning to shoot better. Journalists are making a good thing sound evil and criminal.

All of us who practice are shooters. It’s what we call ourselves. Shooting is what we do—the number two participant sport, just behind exercise and ahead of golf, with billions in sales annually. When a vicious or psychopathic person makes the choice to become a murderer, and do drive-by murders, or go to a carefully selected defenseless place to kill innocents—these make-believe “gun-free zones”—mass media must start recognizing these monsters as killers, murderers, psychopaths, villains. Stop linking the decent act of shooting with the heinous act of violating the Ten Commandments. “Thou shalt not murder.” Failure to make this distinction places blame on women and men who write those propaganda pieces, hurting our freedom.

Guns are good. Guns save lives, stop crime, keep you safe. The abject removal of the art of the firearm makes media complicit in what’s happening. Not the least of that is distorting the picture with incessant focus on single “high-profile” atrocities. Media ignores constant thousands of essentially black people murdering other black people, in “disadvantaged” neighborhoods, 9,700 last year alone. While you are constantly fed repetitious stories about one mental case in a far-away city, murderers (not shooters) right near you are taking innocent lives. Your local “news” media is missing the story. Shame on them.

JPFO says promote good shooting skills, range time and practice, and staying safely and peacefully armed. Distinguish marksmanship from crime. Don’t compare or create false equations between evil running rampant in several cities, and gun owners. Identify who is directly at fault for murder—criminals. Respect America’s 100 million decent citizens preserving freedom by exercising the Second Amendment in positive ways.

Ask JPFO to join you on air. We know our stuff.

9,941 Black People Murdered in 2020

Buffalo’s psycho-killer isn’t the real story—

9,941 Black People Murdered in 2020*

Saturation coverage of 10 dead in Buffalo is misdirection

Here is hard proof that Black Lives Don’t Matter


The only reason ten blacks murdered in Buffalo are getting so much news coverage is because that supports the false government narrative that white people pose the top threat to America, and guns are evil.

In 2019, nearly 8,000 black people were murdered.* News media failed to cover it or bring the point home. Few arrests, few trials, murderers roamed free amidst newslessness. The following year black murders increased, and again little or no coverage. But now, the so-called “news” media harps on one teenage psychopath who made advanced threats, posted his intentions, never got treatment, and media uses the tragedy to falsely claim whites are part of a scheme. Whites are more racist than blacks or other clinging ethnic groups, they say, guns are evil, while ignoring the real dead stacked in a corner like firewood.

The media could hardly be more corrupt in this “reporting.” Proving that black lives don’t matter, they give non-stop repetitive coverage to one isolated incident and miss thousands upon thousands of murdered blacks. 2020 saw an average of 26 dead blacks every day. That’s two-and-a-half-times greater daily than the one sad day in Buffalo they find so alluring. Ten dead is a crime; 9,000 is a massacre.

The mostly white media (statistically true, lamented by that barely inclusive industry) produces self-loathing stories that attack themselves. White guilt is a real thing, and there it is. Invented claims about white supremacy being a greater threat than nuclear Russia, communist China’s announced global hegemony plans and activities, malevolent Muslim nations chanting Death to America, or threats to wipe out Israel, OMG. Supply-chain starvation, poverty-inflicting inflation, lethal plagues leaving one million dead—mass media is so wrong. Underprivileged classes get away with murdering thousands of their own in what we used to call ghettos... there’s no equivalence with a certifiable lunatic now the left-wing’s standard bearer. “Unbiased” mass media vilifies fine firearms Americans overwhelmingly prefer, believing they’re both evil. If dead blacks and browns mattered, you’d hear about it. You don’t. Actions speak so much louder than words.

*Statistics courtesy The Washington Examiner; counts vary slightly by source, from 7,777 to 7,484, or 53.5% of all homicides in 2019; In 2020, the year George Floyd died to saturation press coverage, this rose to 9,941 black people, 55.8% of all murders. That year, 60 unarmed men were killed by police, 18 of whom were black, a stunning indictment of malevolent mass-media coverage.

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About the Author

  • Freelance writer Alan Korwin is a founder and past president of the Arizona Book Publishing Association. With his wife Cheryl he operates Bloomfield Press, the largest producer and distributor of gun-law books in the country. Here writing as "The Uninvited Ombudsman," Alan covers the day's stories as they ought to read. Read more.

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