I wrote this for my client, JPFO.org
12500 N.E. Tenth Place • Bellevue, WA 98005
JPFO.org • 800-869-1884 • [email protected]
August 29, 2022 • Contact: Floyd Neeland
Controlling the Narrative:
Mass media has invented false “big lies” but—
“Too many anomalies exist around the 2020 election to ignore.”
Elections are no longer secure, gun-rights do exist and are crucial
Back in 2000, mass media and the political left were promoting “The Big Lie.” They were coming right out and saying the U.S. Constitution doesn’t protect your right to arms, as it always had. If the Second Amendment doesn’t mean people can bear arms, how exactly did everyone get armed? Why are gun stores common across the land? It didn’t even make sense, but that didn’t stop them.
At this point in time though, that Big Lie is so at odds with reality, research, history, jurisprudence from the Supreme Court to minor districts and an armed public—the left abandoned it like worn-out shoes. They have been attacking our right to arms on different fronts—gun types, ammo counts, so- called “sensitive places” (which to them is everywhere), even shopping. And they have re-purposed the term “lie” to support their denial of corrupted elections and electoral processes. Intent to win at any cost, the rule of law is no longer applied and gets uniformly labeled a big lie. Then censored.
People are losing faith in news reports and elections, for cause. So much compelling evidence exists showing gross problems with prior elections, leftists are fighting it by calling anything that disagrees with their fables a big lie. The Bigger Lie is theirs: the last election was “the most secure election in the nation’s history.” It’s remarkable how uniform leftists have been in promoting The Bigger Lie. It seems self-evident that we are no longer electing officials through pure will of the people, expressed at the ballot box. Our right to arms hangs in the balance. The single-day election standard since 1845: the first Tuesday after the first Monday, has been quietly erased to allow fraud- fraught election months without-in-person voting and no ID requirement—even for foreigners.
As righteous gun-owning Americans, it is our duty to resist The Bigger Lie, and get elections back on a solid footing: easy access in person to everyone eligible on a November day, ID required.
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