Most Gun Reporting is a Misinformation Campaign
Shooting not the same as murdering, key distinction lost
CNN’s constant coverage of what it calls “mass shootings” disguises the fact that these are mass murders. The villains they always call shooters are actually murderers. America’s 100 million gun owners, they’re shooters— decent righteous people practicing, learning, teaching and when needed, defending themselves and others facing violent criminals. Self-defense with guns is absent from CNN but not in real life—a total misinformation and misdirection campaign.
The Associated Press once told me they don't cover incidents of self defense because they don't want to inspire copycats. So why do they give massive saturation coverage to mass murderers? I got no answer.
When the late Dov Marhoffer, a holocaust survivor and advisor to JPFO gave his lectures—he remained sharp until his passing on July 2 this year—he made a point of insisting, “No vun vas killed in the Holocaust!” When the audience awe subsided, he exclaimed, “They ver murdered!” in his clear, thickly accented voice. Words matter, and Mr. Marhoffer used them to tremendous affect. Mass media, by calling murderers shooters is a mass misinformation campaign.
By refusing to call murderers what they are, CNN and their mass-media colleagues give them a pass. A murderer should be an outcast, detestable, shunned by society, recognized as undesirable vermin, but media make them superstars. Failing to say “Murderer!” is part of the uber-liberal approach to crime that releases felons from prison “to be kind and sympathetic,” and deceptively blames everything but the criminal for crimes—it’s the gun, the poverty, the parents, the lack of parents, poor schools, drugs, environment, even... global warming. Search that and be shocked.
Wake up—the proximate cause of crime is criminals, lacking morals, parenting, standards, fear of police, savagely creating mayhem. JPFO calls on all Americans to go shooting more, hone your skills, be a good shooter. If “news” media were to report accurately, the gun debate would end.