More on Aggravated Infringement
[This is a continuation of my post of a few days ago, A SHOT ACROSS GUN CONTROL’S BOW: “Aggravated Infringement."]
Our politicians, know, or should know, that deliberately violating the terms (“Aggravated Infringement”) of the Constitution to which they take an oath, is banned. What’s missing is specific punishment for doing so. Our Constitution lacks that, a fatal flaw that has turned so many politicians into scofflaws. They violate their oaths, and loyalty to our Grand Charter, because they know they can get away with it, and we die by a thousand cuts. This has led to all kinds of trouble the public sees every day. It must stop.
The states and federal government need to act to end the flagrant abuse. “Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press...” Through the 14th Amendment, this applies equally to the States. Yet today we find a tax on newspapers—newspapers!—if that’s not a law affecting the press and free speech then nothing else is. Abolishing such (minor) abuses would help. But more than that, the people responsible for drafting, introducing and voting in favor of such limits need to be held accountable, with fines and prison terms.
When that’s in place, those sorts of infringements will be curtailed. Will politicians vote to limit their power? Don’t be a fool. They never will. If they’re willing to violate the oath they took to get into office, what are the chances they will now vote to restrict the power they usurped? It still needs to get done, and as Abraham Lincoln pointed out, “Public sentiment is everything. With public sentiment, nothing can fail; without it nothing can succeed.”
The worst infringements—and there are so many—concerns your right to arms. Our immoral low-life bottom-feeding leadership vipers have had no compunction against infringing on the right of the average citizen to freely buy, possess, carry and use firearms for every legal purpose known. By falsely conflating guns with crime, they have stirred up a sleeping electorate to vrtually hate guns, instead of hating the perpetrators of crime who are the real villains.
So-called “news” media helps them in this odious task. How often you see “mass shooting” and “shooters” in so-called “news” reports? In reality they’re referring to “mass murder” and “murderers” and “psychotic rampage killers.” Those things are horrible, to be shunned, so reporters avoid them. Next time you see or hear a crime story (which journalists love to wildly promote for days) think murderer when they say shooter, and watch how the whole flavor changes. We Americans are gun owners and shooters. It’s a good thing. We practice. Mess media has stolen the word, use it instead of saying crime, this hurts us all.
A simple statute would put the blame, and the penalty, where it belongs:
“Any elected or appointed official who promotes a proposal designed or capable of infringing upon the right to keep and bear arms, has committed Infringement, a misdemeanor. This offense applies to all other enumerated rights. All efforts to implement a new or extant infringement, and repeat offenses, are Aggravated Infringement, a felony.”
Legislators can hang extra meat on these bones as they see fit. With this in place legislators will be on notice. Violating the guarantees of our Constitution puts you at risk for jail.
P.S. The classic remedies for constitutional offenses are weak and slow, and now severely limited by the existing power structure. If voting really worked, it would be outlawed, or modified to be ineffective (length of voting periods, secretive counting, no meaningful audits, exorbitant costs, barriers to running, cabals selecting candidates, hiding out before running, and while running... suppressing or outright censorship of relevant news... voting just isn't cutting it as it should. Enact and enforce Aggravated Infringement laws.
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