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Unfortunate and Familiar—Kamala Harris Being Set Up for Failure, Again

“Gun Violence Prevention” plan ignores… criminals.

With few real details released, VP Harris is being called on for an impossible task—leading a new federal gun bureaucracy with no legislated authority. “This is classic federal overreach. What part of ‘Shall Not Be Infringed’ does Kamala not understand?” asked Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers (LD7, Flagstaff). JPFO notes the invented term gun violence distracts people from the crying need for crime prevention and arrests.

“This new White House office, The Office of Gun Violence Prevention, can barely be considered constitutional, with no direct street-crime duty and no delegated power in the Constitution,” said Alan Korwin, author of 10 books on gun law and a consultant to JPFO.

While government insists on “gun control” instead of crime control, crime will continue to skyrocket. Laws already exist to control crime, but law enforcement, the edge of the blade, is dull or missing. Creating a new bureaucracy wastes time, money and resources. Education, which is a missing link, needs to get attention.

VP Harris cannot succeed without focusing on controlling criminal perpetrators. America’s 100 million decent innocent gun owners nervously anticipate this latest disguised attack on them, while criminals act with impunity in our inner cities. Though Harris and her team are blocked from gun-rights violations by the Constitution, this hasn’t stopped federal incursion recently. Critics hope her lack of results as border czar, where our borders continue to be overrun, will stave off illegal and undesirable infringements.

JPFO scolds the Biden Administration for putting a feckless federal underling in charge of reducing crime and especially murder, showing they really don’t want to solve or even seriously address the problem. Crime will persist, same as the border invasion.

Massive increases in crime, by increasingly brazen riotous criminals, have nothing to do with so-called “gun violence,” a gaslighting term used to hide murder and felony assault.

“Standing with Israel” Is Not Enough Mr. President!

MAKE IT EASIER TO ARM AMERICANS NOW Don’t repeat Israel’s error and wait for an attack. “Death to America” is still a thing. Joe Biden said, “We stand with Israel,” and JPFO says that’s insufficient. Under wartime duress Israel is now re-arming its citizens, following years of weakening their right to keep and bear arms. America must learn from this bloody lesson. “If there had been more armed women at that concert, there might be fewer dead,” said consultant Beth Terry, Certified Speaking Professional, a staunch friend of JPFO. “Death to America” is and has been on the lips of these treacherous villains for decades. Follow foreign news sources—you’ll hear people cheering the attack on Israel just like they did after the attack on 9-11. Brainwashed college students join in. “Gas the Jews” is chanted in Australia. We here at home face a serious risk. Promote marksmanship training nationwide now. Open all government ranges to full-fledged civilian marksmanship, required by law, 10 USC §4309. Don’t get caught with our pants down, Mr. Biden. Don’t just “stand” there, act.

Israel once encouraged citizens to own and carry. Gradual infringement cut this natural right to self-defense and property ownership (arms). Danger is what you get when government denies civil rights. Israel’s slightly relaxed gun laws are a good step, but a small one. America needs to remove any restrictions on peaceful possession of arms—infringements—banned by the Constitution. Officials who act to maintain infringements need to face charges for aggravated infringement—putting innocent lives in danger. Denial of civil rights is a crime, 18 USC §242. Aiding our enemies by disarming us must stop.

SIDEBAR: “Relaxed Israeli gun laws” means: Expedited permits, telephone permit applications, ammo purchases up from 50 to 100, quite modest, but retains waiting periods and no long guns.

New talent at Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership


Alan Korwin stays on as Editor Emeritus

After 13 years—personnel changes at the top

Ever since JPFO Founder Aaron Zelman passed in 2010, an “inner circle” of dedicated individuals has kept his dream alive, running Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO), its internet and media presence and its publications. As Sentinel editor Korwin steps down after eight years in that role, Second Amendment Foundation Projects Director James Jones takes over the office of the highly regarded staunchly pro-gun-rights periodical. Subscriptions are free with membership.

Mr. Jones, as the Projects Director for The Second Amendment Foundation, has been involved in many facets of SAF, the most active gun-rights group in the nation, engaged in dozens of lawsuits to reverse gun-rights infringements at federal and local levels. His bio is at

Mr. Korwin, a consultant to JPFO since Aaron’s passing, has fulfilled many of the duties of an executive director. He manages publications for the organization, writes position papers and news releases, serves as a focal point for many of JPFO’s activities and runs the monthly political Salons.

With acute insight into the dangers of genocide learned during the Holocaust, JPFO seeks to expand citizen awareness of that threat. Governments kill and murder more people (“democide”) than any other factor, exceeding criminal activity by orders of magnitude. The deterrent value of guns and an armed citizenry, to resist encroaching efforts of government to render citizens docile and compliant, plus the balance of power that only public arms can provide, helps define JPFO’s role. “You can’t arm people and expect them to accept slavery.” And you don’t have to be Jewish to join JPFO, love of liberty is enough. To be on the ride side of history, support JPFO.


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Most Gun Reporting is a Misinformation Campaign

Shooting not the same as murdering, key distinction lost

CNN’s constant coverage of what it calls “mass shootings” disguises the fact that these are mass murders. The villains they always call shooters are actually murderers. America’s 100 million gun owners, they’re shooters—decent righteous people practicing, learning, teaching and when needed, defending themselves and others facing violent criminals. Self-defense with guns is absent from CNN but not in real life—a total misinformation and misdirection campaign.
The Associated Press once told me they don't cover incidents of self defense because they don't want to inspire copycats. So why do they give massive saturation coverage to mass murderers? I got no answer.
When the late Dov Marhoffer, a holocaust survivor and advisor to JPFO gave his lectures—he remained sharp until his passing on July 2 this year—he made a point of insisting, “No vun vas killed in the Holocaust!” When the audience awe subsided, he exclaimed, “They ver murdered!” in his clear, thickly accented voice. Words matter, and Mr. Marhoffer used them to tremendous affect. Mass media, by calling murderers shooters is a mass misinformation campaign.
By refusing to call murderers what they are, CNN and their mass-media colleagues give them a pass. A murderer should be an outcast, detestable, shunned by society, recognized as undesirable vermin, but media make them superstars. Failing to say “Murderer!” is part of the uber-liberal approach to crime that releases felons from prison “to be kind and sympathetic,” and deceptively blames everything but the criminal for crimes—it’s the gun, the poverty, the parents, the lack of parents, poor schools, drugs, environment, even... global warming. Search that and be shocked.
Wake up—the proximate cause of crime is criminals, lacking morals, parenting, standards, fear of police, savagely creating mayhem. JPFO calls on all Americans to go shooting more, hone your skills, be a good shooter. If “news” media were to report accurately, the gun debate would end.


I wrote this for my client,

12500 N.E. Tenth Place • Bellevue, WA 98005 • 800-869-1884 • [email protected]
August 30, 2022 • Contact: Floyd Neeland

Taking back our language—


That all depends on the definition:

Moderation used to be a good thing—and it still is

With the political left and right so highly polarized, the idea of holding a moderate view has been harmed. JPFO is moderate (rational) but adamant about “Never Again!” (End genocide!). Words in our language have been compromised and twisted out of recognition by media, and Marxist forces seeking to dominate this nation and the world. America needs more moderates. What? Is JPFO melting? No, of course not.

Radical right-wing extremists—the term leftists and mass media prefer for people who aren’t “with them,” want machine guns on the border to stop the illegal-alien invasion, politics by force, racial discrimination horrors, subjugation of women and non-whites, even genocide—not at all moderate. Very few people actually fit the common term right-wing extremists, but the phrase persists as if they’re everywhere.

Radical left-wing extremists—describing Marxist socialist totalitarians and communist enemies of the nation, seek control of public schools (that’s done) control of mass media (largely done too), plus ending capitalism, free markets, censorship of the town square, climate management, even genocide of disfavored peoples.

Moderates—a term redefined to mean indecisive milquetoasts—want none of that. They seek the great elements of The American Way—like everyone used to—rule of law, adherence to the Constitution, limited delegated powers only, free speech press religion assembly and redress, profit motive, individual rights, swift fair open trials, gun ownership—good ole days now scarce. Moderates want the safe sane American road.

And as far as we at JPFO are concerned, just The Five Kosher Gun Laws will do—

1. If you criminally misuse a gun, your gun rights can be severed;
2. People who are mentally unfit to handle their own affairs may not bear arms;
3. Until the age of 18, your gun rights come from your parents;
4. You are responsible for the outcome of every shot you fire;
5. Because the G-d given right of self-defense is inviolate, anyone who under color of law denies or attempts

to deny your civil right to arms, pays a stiff fine and goes to prison.

JPFO stands firmly in favor of moderate reasonable and common-sense gun law. Join with us.


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I wrote this for my client,

12500 N.E. Tenth Place • Bellevue, WA 98005 • 800-869-1884 • [email protected]
August 29, 2022 • Contact: Floyd Neeland

Controlling the Narrative:

Mass media has invented false “big lies” but—

“Too many anomalies exist around the 2020 election to ignore.”

Elections are no longer secure, gun-rights do exist and are crucial

Back in 2000, mass media and the political left were promoting “The Big Lie.” They were coming right out and saying the U.S. Constitution doesn’t protect your right to arms, as it always had. If the Second Amendment doesn’t mean people can bear arms, how exactly did everyone get armed? Why are gun stores common across the land? It didn’t even make sense, but that didn’t stop them.

At this point in time though, that Big Lie is so at odds with reality, research, history, jurisprudence from the Supreme Court to minor districts and an armed public—the left abandoned it like worn-out shoes. They have been attacking our right to arms on different fronts—gun types, ammo counts, so- called “sensitive places” (which to them is everywhere), even shopping. And they have re-purposed the term “lie” to support their denial of corrupted elections and electoral processes. Intent to win at any cost, the rule of law is no longer applied and gets uniformly labeled a big lie. Then censored.

People are losing faith in news reports and elections, for cause. So much compelling evidence exists showing gross problems with prior elections, leftists are fighting it by calling anything that disagrees with their fables a big lie. The Bigger Lie is theirs: the last election was “the most secure election in the nation’s history.” It’s remarkable how uniform leftists have been in promoting The Bigger Lie. It seems self-evident that we are no longer electing officials through pure will of the people, expressed at the ballot box. Our right to arms hangs in the balance. The single-day election standard since 1845: the first Tuesday after the first Monday, has been quietly erased to allow fraud- fraught election months without-in-person voting and no ID requirement—even for foreigners.

As righteous gun-owning Americans, it is our duty to resist The Bigger Lie, and get elections back on a solid footing: easy access in person to everyone eligible on a November day, ID required.


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Is mass media leading America astray?


And they’re not gunmen either—a completely sexist term

You may think you’re getting news, when you’re being filled with prejudice


Mass media is on a non-stop campaign to vilify and outlaw America’s hardware of liberty—firearms. In a self-defeating mantra, the very tools needed to preserve freedom of the press, and all other freedoms we enjoy here, are under withering attack by the so-called Fourth Estate. It has become a Fifth Column in the deliberate effort to undermine all the good this country represents for the world.

A significant segment of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership,, and this nation, are shooters. That term reporters and editors misuse to misdirect thinking about murderers. A mass murderer and a shooter are different things. Conflating these terms is offensive. It insults the fine art and skills of shooting, and learning to shoot better. Journalists are making a good thing sound evil and criminal.

All of us who practice are shooters. It’s what we call ourselves. Shooting is what we do—the number two participant sport, just behind exercise and ahead of golf, with billions in sales annually. When a vicious or psychopathic person makes the choice to become a murderer, and do drive-by murders, or go to a carefully selected defenseless place to kill innocents—these make-believe “gun-free zones”—mass media must start recognizing these monsters as killers, murderers, psychopaths, villains. Stop linking the decent act of shooting with the heinous act of violating the Ten Commandments. “Thou shalt not murder.” Failure to make this distinction places blame on women and men who write those propaganda pieces, hurting our freedom.

Guns are good. Guns save lives, stop crime, keep you safe. The abject removal of the art of the firearm makes media complicit in what’s happening. Not the least of that is distorting the picture with incessant focus on single “high-profile” atrocities. Media ignores constant thousands of essentially black people murdering other black people, in “disadvantaged” neighborhoods, 9,700 last year alone. While you are constantly fed repetitious stories about one mental case in a far-away city, murderers (not shooters) right near you are taking innocent lives. Your local “news” media is missing the story. Shame on them.

JPFO says promote good shooting skills, range time and practice, and staying safely and peacefully armed. Distinguish marksmanship from crime. Don’t compare or create false equations between evil running rampant in several cities, and gun owners. Identify who is directly at fault for murder—criminals. Respect America’s 100 million decent citizens preserving freedom by exercising the Second Amendment in positive ways.

Ask JPFO to join you on air. We know our stuff.

9,941 Black People Murdered in 2020

Buffalo’s psycho-killer isn’t the real story—

9,941 Black People Murdered in 2020*

Saturation coverage of 10 dead in Buffalo is misdirection

Here is hard proof that Black Lives Don’t Matter


The only reason ten blacks murdered in Buffalo are getting so much news coverage is because that supports the false government narrative that white people pose the top threat to America, and guns are evil.

In 2019, nearly 8,000 black people were murdered.* News media failed to cover it or bring the point home. Few arrests, few trials, murderers roamed free amidst newslessness. The following year black murders increased, and again little or no coverage. But now, the so-called “news” media harps on one teenage psychopath who made advanced threats, posted his intentions, never got treatment, and media uses the tragedy to falsely claim whites are part of a scheme. Whites are more racist than blacks or other clinging ethnic groups, they say, guns are evil, while ignoring the real dead stacked in a corner like firewood.

The media could hardly be more corrupt in this “reporting.” Proving that black lives don’t matter, they give non-stop repetitive coverage to one isolated incident and miss thousands upon thousands of murdered blacks. 2020 saw an average of 26 dead blacks every day. That’s two-and-a-half-times greater daily than the one sad day in Buffalo they find so alluring. Ten dead is a crime; 9,000 is a massacre.

The mostly white media (statistically true, lamented by that barely inclusive industry) produces self-loathing stories that attack themselves. White guilt is a real thing, and there it is. Invented claims about white supremacy being a greater threat than nuclear Russia, communist China’s announced global hegemony plans and activities, malevolent Muslim nations chanting Death to America, or threats to wipe out Israel, OMG. Supply-chain starvation, poverty-inflicting inflation, lethal plagues leaving one million dead—mass media is so wrong. Underprivileged classes get away with murdering thousands of their own in what we used to call ghettos... there’s no equivalence with a certifiable lunatic now the left-wing’s standard bearer. “Unbiased” mass media vilifies fine firearms Americans overwhelmingly prefer, believing they’re both evil. If dead blacks and browns mattered, you’d hear about it. You don’t. Actions speak so much louder than words.

*Statistics courtesy The Washington Examiner; counts vary slightly by source, from 7,777 to 7,484, or 53.5% of all homicides in 2019; In 2020, the year George Floyd died to saturation press coverage, this rose to 9,941 black people, 55.8% of all murders. That year, 60 unarmed men were killed by police, 18 of whom were black, a stunning indictment of malevolent mass-media coverage.

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Things I noted from the SCOTUS NY State carry case, while watching the whole thing live on TV:

And let me start by saying the framing of the case was splendid, superb—not do we have rights, but,

"Whether the Second Amendment allows the government to prohibit ordinary law-abiding citizens from carrying handguns outside the home for self-defense." -from the Petitioner's brief. You really have to lie cheat and steal to conclude the Second Amendment is a power grant to the government, not a restriction on them.

"Text, history, tradition" is a set of values the Justices brought up repeatedly. I did not have as much appreciation for this triumvirate as I do now. Their decision will no doubt weigh these factors.

The Court expressed serious concern at the proper level of scrutiny for future 2A cases. Should laws affecting 2A go to court under strict scrutiny (the most stringent, as narrowly drawn as possible, the least restrictive solution and specifically tailored to a compelling government interest); or is intermediate scrutiny sufficient (a reduced level of review for constitutionality involving a developed test); or is rational basis scrutiny sufficient (the lowest level where if it seems OK it's OK, no real accountable measurable scrutiny at all). 2A advocates all hope for strict scrutiny, leftists argue for rational basis, where little stands in the way of violative statutes.

Time-place-and-manner restrictions, which apply to 1A limits are a working model, or at least need attention.

Frequent reference to 1A, especially libel and defamation, totally speech but totally restricted, all within the confines of the Constitution.

The Statute of Northhampton must have gotten a good bit of play in the outside briefs, because it came up a bunch. Need to look at that and see what its relevance is.

Liberal Justices expressed some lament that we don't have national rules, or even that we need some, but 2A is implemented by the state somewhat at their whim, and feds lack police power and they know it so they are blocked. That's not to say they haven't been working on nationalized police in many ways.

The theme of more-guns-more-crime came up, even though it's been debunked so badly and is so evident. Breyer suggested the BITS myth, Blood In The Streets, if everyone is freed to carry, a recurring left-wing myth that defies statistics and evidence to the contrary. Every state that enacted licensed carry suffered under this media-fueled dire prediction of doom. But it never ever occurs. No apologies issued. It just will not die. Sorta like the assumed victims in this fable, who aren’t dead either.

The Terry Frisk, in other word cop stops, was mentioned, and stupidly. If the public is free to carry, then cops suddenly have increased risk, and must change tactics because a vehicle might have a gun! Or the odds of armed vehicles will increase risks. As if cops don't exercise extreme caution in stops, knowing full well a gun can poke out from any window -- illegally. That just suggests these bench warmers are as much lost in vapor and myth when it comes to guns, as anyone not on the bench.

Those are my notes on some highlights of the discussion. Which side will win? The decision will contain a mix of elements, some really good and some not so much, even damaging. If the Second Amendment prevails, the dissenting position will, mark my words, threaten the BITS myth, attack the winning side of endangering the nation, and demonstrate hoplophobia. Petitioners should prevail and NY State will be forced to grant licenses, which NY will hinder and make inadequate, violate the spirit of the decision, require more court hearings, and so it all goes back to court. Hey, lawyers have kids to feed.

The Alec Baldwin Gun-Safety Act


November 9, 2021  •  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

“We have to do something!”

The Alec Baldwin Gun-Safety Act

New California state law introduced

If it saves one life...

Among the most stunning aspects of the Alec-Baldwin-related homicide, for those of us in the firearms industry and community, was the nearly total lack of understanding mass media and its followers exhibited about firearms. Even questions they asked left knowledgeable people slack jawed. How could real reporters not know blanks and live ammo look different? You don’t look down the barrel to see if it’s loaded, thank you MSNBC. Only total inexperience can leave you wondering if a round you fire is blank—the sound and recoil are obvious. Gun ownership describes half the nation, but that’s apparently non-inclusive of news professionals, who you could tell never even held a gun, let alone practiced. Can the failure be attributed to public teachers’ unions? Public school teachers basically forbid gun safety, or even saying “gun,” for anyone seeking a diploma.

With the tragedy at the “Rust” movie set, where ignorance of safety was so evident, California (and all states) should be introducing bills to require any person on the set of a theatrical production, to have successfully completed a program in gun safety—including discharge of live ammunition loaded in a firearm safely aimed at a target. Being present without having taken a suitable class is a Class 1 misdemeanor on a first offense, and requires one-half day of ceased operations to self- evaluate all set safety features, not just firearms. The offender is removed from the set and

Responding to arguments that everyone should be compelled to such gun-safety programs, not just Hollywood denizens, JPFO might agree—if it’s part of a requirement for a high school diploma like English and math. Refusal by schools to do so in our gun-prevalent society is virtually deliberate negligence. As a requirement for gun ownership in general though, there is qualitative difference between job requirements, and exercise of fundamental rights, which must be uninfringed.

[Read real gun safety rules here.]


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About the Author

  • Freelance writer Alan Korwin is a founder and past president of the Arizona Book Publishing Association. With his wife Cheryl he operates Bloomfield Press, the largest producer and distributor of gun-law books in the country. Here writing as "The Uninvited Ombudsman," Alan covers the day's stories as they ought to read. Read more.

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