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Dec. 15 is Bill of Rights Day

12500 N.E. Tenth Place • Bellevue, WA 98005 • • 800-869-1884 • [email protected]

Contact: Floyd Neeland

Celebrate America’s Heritage!

Dec. 15 is Bill of Rights Day

Among the greatest achievements of humanity

Ratified on 12/15/1791, read it out loud with friends, savor its messages


Phoenix Invitation posted previously

Thanks to the wisdom and foresight of JPFO Founder Aaron Zelman (1946-2010), JPFO annually reminds the nation of “All the Bill of Rights for all citizens.” How do you personally do that?

We have been scheduling and holding local meetings in public places, so a handful of Americans can gather (Right to Assemble) and read the Bill of Rights aloud (Freedom of Speech). A venue that does not discriminate against your Right to Keep and Bear Arms is often preferred and used, for obvious reasons. If you have a right but cannot exercise it, you do not have it.

Easy details for holding Bill of Rights commemorations near you are posted for your convenience. There is so little to it, and so much to gain!

So-called “news” media rarely give this attention, for reasons that were unclear at press time. Here at JPFO we are of the opinion mass media should loudly encourage recognition of the day.

The Bill of Rights was originally one Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, with 12 separate articles, easy to see on facsimiles of the original document. Articles 3 through 12 were approved, making Article 3 what later editors renamed Amendment One.


Support JPFO, speaking truth to power

“Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, is America’s most aggressive civil-rights organization, dedicated to destroying the notion of ‘gun control’ as any kind of credible public-policy position. So-called ‘gun control’ does not control guns and doesn’t control criminal behavior. What it does is disarm the innocent, leaving them helpless in the face of criminals, tyrannical governments and genocide. History repeatedly proves this fact. Founded in 1989 by Aaron Zelman as a response to the Holocaust, JPFO speaks with the moral authority and tenacious commitment of survivors of persecution, and knows that surrendering your personal and family safety to government protection courts disaster. You don’t have to be Jewish to fight by our side, you just have to love liberty.”


Government and mass media count on your short memory

The people who matter (the elites) have figured out the American public (that includes you) can't remember even obvious things, so they can invent tales about anything, repeat them, and you'll buy in.

Don't think it's true? Before the Ukraine invasion, do you remember ever hearing that we are dependent on Russia for oil? I didn't think so. What you recall, with a bit of a refresher, is:


The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. OPEC. They held us for ransom, manipulated how much oil they produced (actually, just sucked out of the ground). Manipulated prices by manipulating supply. If it wasn't for their infighting and lack of cohesion, they could act in unison and starve the world of energy. Those Arab states were malicious. We were dependent. The old joke, Why did the Almighty give the Arabs oil, and only gave Israel sand? The chosen people. For dirt.

Then came 2019, and with effort and some subtle changes, the U.S. became not only energy independent, we were a net exporter of oil. What happened? President Magoo shut off our own supplies, leases, projects, exploration, pipelines and as expected, we got screwed, blued and tattooed. Even so, look it up -- we produce slightly more oil than we consume daily. It's complicated.

The moral of the story -- If it's in the "news" it's probably wrong. That has been true, as I've been saying about firearms, for decades now, literally.

So let's blame Russia for our high gas prices, and (non) lack of oil. The same as lefties blamed Russia for Trump's election. And his actions as a spy and Putin puppet (media bought that at least), though now proven totally false.

The real threat from Russia is communism, and dictatorship. But since the left is now borderline communist themselves, we can't go after Russia for being commies, like we always could. Damned red Rooskies!


CNN’s Wolf Blitzer In Error—Mass-Media Drumbeat Misleading:


Onlyqualified adult U.S. citizens may vote in U.S. elections

Peoplemustprove their identity to cast a valid ballot

Ballots without guaranteed validity must not count

NOTE: Voting rights and gun rights are co-equal civil and human rights


CNN news anchor Wolf Blitzer is leading a charge voiced by mass media nationwide, saying repeatedly, “We want as many people as possible to vote.” (–Wolf Blitzer, CNN 3/15/21). He echoes a seductive left-wing deception, which dies horribly if you substitute a different basic right, “We want as many people as possible to have a gun” —

 We want as many adult U.S. citizens, who are legally entitled to vote—or bear arms.

“As many people as possible” is a destructive falsehood, a Democrat’s talking point that undermines our Republic, and could destroy true democracy. Should we add... educated, to voting and guns? Half the country believes, with evidence and reasonable suspicion, that many people cast ballots that cannot be legally cast. Cases of voting fraud have been repeatedly discovered in the courts, which critics say is the tip of the iceberg.

 No one corrected Blitzer. His deception spread to the world unbalanced, uncorrected, prejudicial. Only proven citizens can vote. Broadcasters often make statements like this, or worse, without correction. This abuses the public trust. The scrutiny we demand for the right to arms should parallel what we require of proper upstanding citizens to vote.

Wolf’s abuse should jeopardize CNN’s license. With Democrats’ cancel-culture warriors actively admitting non-citizens into the country, without ports of entry or even court dates, concerns exist about the integrity of the electorate, let alone the voting process. Leftists may charge suppression, but that’s distinct and apart from deleting fraudsters. In excess of 1.8 million “ghost” voters were found in 353 counties across 29 states, in the recent Judicial Watch study. Fulton County, Ga., had a registration rate of 109%, exceeding eligible residents. Similar problems were found in Penn., Nev., Mich., and elsewhere. Former mayor Pete Buttigieg is under investigation for issuing “community ID” cards to illegal aliens that could pass for ID to register for voting. Pete—people legally registered to vote can legally keep and bear arms. Are you OK with that?

The main objection Democrats have to requiring ID at the time of voting is that Blacks (and others of color) will be denied the vote. This is a total insult. It presumes Blacks can't drive, visit doctors, get bank accounts, rent or buy homes, get vaccine shots, fly, basically anything. How do they convince Blacks, or anyone, that this is true? Democrats are a Blacks' worst friends.

Three parties running for president—

Three Major Parties Running for the White House—

No one doubts the communist Chinese want control of America as badly as Democrats and Republicans The winner fills more than 6,700 jobs for the office, another 1,200 with Senate consent

Only one party supports an armed public to balance gov’t power

• Communists don’t allow their subjects to be armed. They run dictatorships.
• Democrats have bills in Congress right now to take virtually every private American gun.
• Republicans support the right to keep and bear arms, at least a little (by comparison)
• Read the democrats' bill HR5717, it is nothing like media or politicians describe.
• HR5717 bans loaded guns at home, even locked—until you’re under attack. It bans guns with grips. We’re not imagining this.

—If government disarms us—which is done by force, through law—it’s all over.
—The great American experiment ends. Self-governance stops. Government rules you.
—Freedom, liberty, free-enterprise, free speech, all of it. Self-determination is in “their” hands.
—No one “gives” you liberty. You take it. By force. With arms. Our Founders understood this.

Only force keeps freedom in your hearth and home—away from “officials,” adversaries, mobs—seeking to take it. Common wisdom says, “You can’t arm slaves and expect them to stay slaves.” It works the other way too—disarming free people enslaves them. Commies sure know it. Citizens endure offensive Democrat ridicule for keeping arms... yet still recommend: Cling to your guns and Bibles.

G-d help us if the three major parties push the American people too far. Tell your friends to sign up for my Page Nine reports:

"Uniting the Country" myth

Do NOT be fooled—
Guns are a partisan issue and will remain so.
Democrats and Republicans “steal each others’ lawn signs.”

A cover story in The Wall Street Journal (Oct. 10) laments how political-lawn-sign thefts are skyrocketing. But Big Brother camera growth—installed by homeowners (not the state as Orwell predicted) are giving police leads to track down the perps. Election of this candidate or that will unite nothing. Such rhetoric is garbage. Don’t believe it. Instead, cling to your guns and Bibles. Go out now for training. Embrace the Second Amendment and the entire Bill of Rights—it’s there for your own good. Free speech, due process, right to assemble and the rest... matters.

How quickly we relinquished our fundamental rights, for a little promised safety that never came. We failed the usurpation test. And politicians responsible never faced armed wrath.

Only people who treasure independence want to keep their firearms and gun rights. That basically describes the red team, the Republican right, nominal conservatives. People seeking government solutions, guns controlled even more tightly—or taken by force—won’t change or may worsen from elections: the blue team, Democrats, the socialist progressive liberals and now openly Marxist communists. The election will bring together no one. It’s just fact. Gangs remain fully armed and dangerous despite decades of specious “gun control.”

What you have to do is recognize you’re responsible for your own safety and your family’s well-being. When “officials” tell police to stand down, let rioters run free and you’re at home feeling desperate, ask why you didn’t join JPFO or any of the other dedicated freedom groups, get informed, buy a few guns and plenty of ammo, and hear the clarion call. The Jewish people have been through this before. Learn the lessons of history already. Never Again!


-- If you already voted, this is too late.

-- You’re supposed to rise up as a nation, on a SINGLE day, and select leaders.

-- The first Tuesday, after the first Monday, in November.

-- All the good dirt comes out near the end.

-- You can’t recall your ballot once it is early cast (tons of people are trying to now, having discovered the Biden family is in league with the communist Chinese, received tens of millions of dollars illegally, and probably can’t pass a security clearance. But, to quote a famous politician, "What difference, at this point, does it make?"

-- The plot (I don’t use the word lightly) to stretch out the election for months, was part of a conscious plan to undermine the U.S. system of government, and it is working well.

-- Back when journalists were honest:

Preparing for the Election

"There won't be any civil unrest" nobody said.

A very wise friend suggests preparing for civil unrest around the election.

He asked me not to use his name, so he doesn't attract attention.

BLM, Antifa, leftists of all stripes (even democrats) like to dox people and set their businesses on fire.

CNN denies those charges.

I think he’s crazy, way overboard. Why would anyone need a fire extinguisher?

The power might go out? Get batteries and charge up your laptop to get Internet links?

Police response will be slow, or not at all? Lay in supplies? C’mon, man!

Here are his notes to me, you decide. I mixed in a few thoughts of my own.

My guess is that there is less chance of unrest if the election goes off in such a way as to appear honest to a high degree of probability, AND if one side or the other wins by a landslide.

Since neither of those conditions is highly likely, I anticipate civil unrest will occur if Trump wins -- and probably not if he loses, conservatives being generally law-abiding. Democrats have been infiltrated and dominated by two criminally violent elements: communists (Antifa and other marxists) and street thugs (BLM). Democrats generally have also become infected with such narcissistic rage that they refuse to be bound by the results of any election they lose. As they have so ably demonstrated now for four years.

I believe that there may be interruptions in water and power, and possibly stove and furnace gas, and that auto fuel will be unavailable because the power is off. Cash machines and credit cards will not work with power down and computer systems malfunctioning. Mobile phone service may be intermittent at best.

There will be few police available in many places and they will be swamped and, at best, slow to respond to individual calls for help. At worst they will be totally unable (and possibly unwilling) to respond, leaving us responsible for our own protection. [Note, a group I consult with,, has counseled self-reliance for decades, for exactly these reasons.] And I expect that there will be random distributions of rioters, arsonists, rapists and looters, some armed, and some with gasoline bombs, firework explosives and instantly-blinding high-powered lasers. They will be less organized after phone and internet service deteriorate.

Were it not for COVID-19, I would evacuate now and go to my daughter's house, where she and my son-in-law and two college-aged grandsons live. But as it is I will prepare here, and wait alone to see how things develop. We may not need to gather in preparation for a siege. [Note: I have advised for many years to prepare to make your stand in your home if things ever get that bad; travel will be dangerous at best, possibly impossible, getting stranded in your vehicle with a go bag and desperation all around will leave you wishing you were home with a toilet, walls and bed.]

If things go sour, I will fall back to her house, where there will then be five defensively armed and trained adults, and a sufficient number of adults to maintain an armed guard and fire watch rotation 24/7 for months if necessary.

Otherwise, I have prepared as I would for earthquake or forest fire. I have my evacuation essentials (documents, etc.) stacked and ready to go.

I have enough medications for three months, canned food for several weeks, drinking water for two weeks or more (not counting the water in the hot water and toilet tanks); a solar-charged power source for my CPAP machine, and for charging phones and flashlights; Ham radio gear and a local network of friends that is better than TV for knowing what is happening locally; a hand-crank am/fm radio; oil lamps and a supply of lamp oil; law enforcement-type flashlights and batteries; a full tank in my station wagon; mobile ham radios in the car as well as handi-talkies; warm bedding if the home becomes unheated; iPad and laptops for if and when there is an internet connection; a very large fire extinguisher; hoses connected to outdoor spigots; water purification tablets.

And though I don't expect to need it, a few years ago I ran across and purchased a new-in-the-box Civil Defense surplus Geiger counter and a dosimeter... in case things get really nasty. ;-) [Note: As a long-time rockhound, I have a Russian-made Geiger counter, very sensitive, popular there after Chernobyl, measures air, ore, fruits and vegetables, fun for a guy like me (one of several types I have), even airplane cosmic radiation as you ascend through the protective atmosphere... very high readings! airlines don’t tell you that; around $199, smaller than a deck of cards, Soecks brand].

And yes Alan, I was a Boy Scout. I was a tenderfoot for about three years.

Enjoy your time with your family this evening!

Black Lives Matter Is a Racist Fraud

Black Lives Matter Is a Racist Fraud

by Tom Patterson with Alan Korwin

Tom Patterson is a retired medical doctor, former Republican Majority Leader of the Arizona State Senate, and former Chairman of the Goldwater Institute. Alan Korwin, the author of 14 books, is the publisher at Bloomfield Press and has been writing as The Uninvited Ombudsman since 2006.


Black Lives Matter claims to be fighting for things it calls “social justice” or “black liberation” and “black sovereignty.” It’s conveniently unclear how anyone would know when those goals are met. Meanwhile, they do promise to “burn down the system” if they don’t achieve success. Some of these conflagrations are easily perceived.

Black Americans, no, Americans, already enjoy legal equality and civil rights protected by law. Polls reveal police are well regarded by 70% of minority community members. Charges of excessive black deaths at the hands of police have been debunked statistically time after time.

So what’s really going on here? Mass media certainly hasn’t illuminated the subject. The fact is: BLM was founded by proud Marxists with the avowed intent of spreading Marxist ideology. In a 2015 interview, co-founder Patrice Cullors broke the code, stating “myself and Alicia [Garza, another co-founder] in particular are trained organizers. We are trained Marxists.” Nothing said or done since provide cause for doubt.

With media’s help, many well-intentioned Americans and the corporate class have bought into the false notion that BLM is a populist movement dedicated to combatting police brutality against blacks, and promoting the welfare of a black underclass. But Marxism is nothing of the sort—it is an ideology devoted to the destruction of democratic capitalism and the eventual triumph of a group-think dictatorship. Corporations funneling buckets of guilt tribute to the organization are financing their own destruction, vainly hoping as Neville Chamberlain did to appease the beast.

Like other totalitarian movements throughout history, BLM has never been that concerned with the plight of minorities or the public, though it may expediently profess to be. In fact, the liberals of Marx’s time were a major source of irritation to him—liberals here meaning those dedicated to Enlightenment values like reason, liberty and equality.

So now BLM starts to make sense. Totalitarians don’t tolerate criticism. Critics of BLM get attacked and lose their jobs, some for simply not showing adequate enthusiasm, or departing from the party line.

If black lives mattered to BLM, they now have the funding to do enormous good (blindly supplied by terrified or misguided and extorted donors on bended knee). They could establish community watch programs, create opportunities for black children with education initiatives like charter schools and provide rewards for the apprehension of the murderers of black children.

But that’s not their interest or style. Their street “protests“ inevitably degenerate into terrifying, demoralizing riots with looting and burning that couldn’t possibly benefit blacks. Erasing the nation’s past is in the Marxist playbook, flatly stated by communists and written into the Congressional Record on January 10, 1963. It was the heart and soul of the Cultural Revolution perpetrated by Mao in China, and now taking root here.

Death to religion, the family, art, culture, comfort and the rest. Statues reflecting our history and past are toppled, and American values are denigrated even though again they have nothing to do with helping today’s blacks or what matters. Manhattan is a boarded up wasteland hidden from you by the hopelessly corrupted “news” media.

Some of the BLM‘s stated goals are nominally concerned with actual black lives, but even these include such dated nonsense as “ending the war against black people.” That “war” put a black man in the White House (for two terms), made Oprah a multi billionaire, generated the Black Congressional Caucus which you better not decry as segregated, discriminatory and racist while calling for an equivalent white caucus.

Now BLM explicitly demands the dissolution of police and prisons. That’s not even rational. The level of extortion and excess is reflected by Congress, cowed into awkward silence. BLM wants a “radical and sustainable redistribution of wealth through the tax code.” In America, if you want money, you go out and earn it, like Oprah and all the other rich people of color and no color did. Redistributing people’s wealth—which is done by force at the point of a gun—is the corrupt communist way. We don’t do that here, hear?

Then there’s that left-wing totalitarian staple, the “disruption of the western-prescribed nuclear-family-structure requirement.” Now they’re treading on really dangerous ground. What’s next? Maoist style abortions or death to all female newborns? Eugenics to solve the fatherless birth problem in the “community”?

The BLM movement bears no resemblance to the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s, with its stunning progress and accomplishments. MLK’s followers believed their campaign was a moral witness that should be conducted with dignity. Protestors were non-violent, wouldn’t brook pillaging, arson and wanton destruction. They didn’t hate America like these malfeasants do.

No, they sought to be part of the dream in a fully realized way. Unlike today’s radicals, they faced real racism embedded in the institutions and laws of the time. But they followed their dreams with high ideals, a just cause and in the end proved profoundly effective. Democrats’ counterproductive war on poverty, dissolution of the family (which BLM still champions as a Marxist goal) continues to beleaguer full participation in America’s wealth creating engine. We’re not there yet.

BLM followers are the diametric opposite—sharing a core belief that America is irredeemably racist and therefore deserves destruction. America is not “a thing,” it is its people. These people, of every stripe, are the greatest force the planet has ever seen, for eliminating poverty and improving the human convention, and BLM only sees horror! Shelby Steele, a veteran of the civil-rights movement, points out that they have to search hard for signs of actual racism, instead resorting to complaints of “micro- aggressions” and “cultural appropriation” as well as endless hoaxes and myths. America, a work in progress, is among the most tolerant nations on Earth. Would BLMers prefer Nigeria, or Cuba, Russia or Venezuela? Make it so, buy a ticket to ride. They won’t. This is the promised land.

The bright future promised by the civil-rights movement and our Founding documents is materializing, slow and steady. But now it struggles against the twin toxins of black victimhood and white guilt, aggressively exploited by this new BLM—for the perverse advancement of Marxism, socialism, communism, and destruction of the greatest system of governance ever devised.

BLM isn’t here to help and heal. Everything it does serves to divide us and pit Americans against each other, in classic Marxist class-warfare style. By their own words, they are here to destroy us unless we bend to their intolerant tyrannical will. Stand firm America, let not the unholy forces of the dark side of human nature overtake the bright white light of all we have and will continue to accomplish in this, the greatest nation on God’s green Earth.

What Is a "natural born Citizen"?

Was it ever defined?

What was/is the definition?

Did the Founding Fathers know the definition?

Did they just throw that in without knowing what they were doing?

Is there a reason they used it? What was the reason?

Can the Constitution be changed without an Amendment?

(You know the answer to that)

Why do people who ask get called dirty names?


I know I promised to write up the Democrats gun-ban bill, HR 5717, but this has to come first.

All the fuss over Article II, 14A, “citizen,” "birthright citizen," and “natural born Citizen” is getting out of hand.

I have the gun-ban bill done, but questions are flooding in to me. Have to answer all at once.

This first. Then I have co-written articles about the BLM and race-baiting,

but the mess media won't let up on this --


Birther Is an “N” Word. 

It’s almost as bad as calling someone “a racist.”

Typically, the people who charge racism are the racists, did you ever notice that?

This is a way to avoid a discussion, to write off a person or topic as unworthy of debate.

Using a curse word to avoid using your brain is dishonest. It avoids knowledge, facts or logic.

Cursing you out is a cheap shot, a way to hide truth.

There is nothing “birther” about the U.S. Constitution, or Article II, or its requirement for the U.S. President to be not just a citizen but a “natural born Citizen” spelled that way in Article II with no hyphen and one capital letter.

Our Founding Fathers (yes, Fathers) put the nbC requirement in the Constitution for a reason, a critically important reason, and modern efforts to denigrate it, whitewash it, pretend it doesn’t exist or doesn’t mean what it really means are really about destroying America. Yes, it is that important. Anyone who says “birther!” about this is worse than someone who shouts the N word, because the "N" word is just racism. This is about the survival of freedom.

A lot of lies and distortions are being used to attack the Constitution right now. Leftists and unfortunately Democrats are the main culprits (but not the only ones). The whole concept of a natural born Citizen, or nbC is under attack, along with infringement of your right to arms and more. Some of these principles you know, they’re easy. NOTE: Be sure you're registered to vote, do it.

1. The Constitution can only be changed by Amendment. You know this. It cannot be changed by a statute from Congress. News media has been insisting otherwise, shame on them, they abandoned ethics long ago. It cannot be changed by a Supreme Court decision (though some decisions reinterpret it, sometimes badly).

2. The Constitution does not define “natural born Citizen”and while that’s true, anyone saying that seeks to deceive you, it’s a "tell," a dead giveaway.

The Constitution doesn’t define virtually any of its terms. You know that too: weights and measures; post roads, arms, infringed, the people, privileges, immunities, due process of law, free speech. the press, houses, papers, religion, assemble, none of it is defined. If you see “But the Constitution doesn’t define natural-born citizen!” you know you’re dealing with an evil bastage.

The Founders warned, when a question of definition arises, go back to the original meaning at the time the Constitution was written and use that.

3. Article II has never been amended.The process for amending the Constitution is in Article V. It has never been used to change Article II. The President must be a natural born Citizen, or the Constitution is violated, abrogated.

4. You also know this --The Founders used language carefully and with precision. They did not just jot things down without thought.  This is less widely known, and is now being obfuscated (obscured, blurred, confused, muddied, twisted): “natural born Citizen” was defined and well known when the Constitution was written. The definition of nbC, the only definition existing at the time, was in a book Ben Franklin brought to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, a process described in detail below.

A natural born Citizen is a person born on U.S. soil, to two U.S. citizens at the time of birth. There is no other way to gain this quality. Period.

Continue reading "What Is a "natural born Citizen"?" »

Kamala Harris Is Not Eligible

REMEMBER: Kamala Harris is not eligible to become President of the United States.

Neither of her parents were American citizens at the time of her birth. It’s like offering the children of any other foreigners as candidates. It is forbidden, banned, not allowed by the U.S. Constitution, which spells out the requirements.

A candidate, a valid candidate, must be a “natural born Citizen” per article Art. II, Sec. 1, cl. 5 of the U.S. Constitution: “No person, except a natural born Citizen,” shall be eligible to the Office of President. This is not about any past mistakes, or modern arguments -- of which there are many. It is about The U.S. Constitution and the rule of law. Kamala Harris is ineligible.

What Congress relied upon in drafting that section --

Law of Nations, Book I, Ch. XIX, at § 212:

  • 212: The citizens are the members of the civil society: bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to its authority, they equally participate in its advantages. The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens.

John Jay (first Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court) wrote to George Washington:

July 25, 1787

“Permit me to hint, whether it would not be wise & seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government; and to declare expresly that the Command in chief of the American army shall not be given to, nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen.”

Modern media pundits and others are attempting to confuse the issue, but the reality and logic is plain and inescapable: only a 100% American can be President. How foreign is too foreign? Any. (Her mother was from India, her father was Jamaican, neither had been in the U.S. long enough (five years) to have become naturalized at the time of her birth.) Sorry, those are the facts. She may be nice, talented, experienced, she isn't qualified.

What would happen if our country got into a disagreement with a nation that was the homeland of a President with foreign roots, parents from elsewhere? Where would the person’s loyalty reside? Who would that person side with? Would the person have undivided loyalty to this country? Of course not -- the conflict would be monumental. India has nuclear weapons. Jamaica is close to our shores. Both have alliances with other nations, some less than friendly with us, and complex financial relationships, supply chains, citizens here. The Founding Fathers recognized the problem those foreign entanglements would cause. That split loyalty is why our Constitution requires the U.S. President must be 100% American.

Details, if you want more: We Elect An American President.htm

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About the Author

  • Freelance writer Alan Korwin is a founder and past president of the Arizona Book Publishing Association. With his wife Cheryl he operates Bloomfield Press, the largest producer and distributor of gun-law books in the country. Here writing as "The Uninvited Ombudsman," Alan covers the day's stories as they ought to read. Read more.

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