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Posse Comitatus Elimination

The lamestream media told you:

 “New Post To Help Military Respond To U.S. Disasters” according to Dan Elliott writing for the Associated Press.

The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:

“Effort to Eliminate Posse Comitatus Protection Underway”

This story is so bad I have to pull it apart piece by piece.

Lamestream: “The Defense Dept. is grooming a new type of commander to coordinate the military response to domestic disasters, hoping to save lives by avoiding some of the chaos that plagued the Hurricane Katrina rescue effort.”

Ombudsman: Using FEMA and federal incompetence during the Katrina disaster as an excuse, someone in the chain of military command, probably right at the top, is planning to actually name officers in charge of using military force against the public.

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Weiner's Wife Is The Real Story

The lamestream media told you:

Anthony Weiner's weiner this, weiner that, weiner the other, nudity, salaciousness, tax-funded Blackberry, conduct unbecoming a congressman, rehab, denials, political pressure, resignation speech that sounded like acceptance of the presidency.

The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:

While the public was distracted with smoke and mirrors and bread and circuses, the real story concerns this man's wife. Dr. Carl Goldberg, a prominent muslim/jihad watcher reported:

"All of the news media is devoting a huge amount of time and space to Congressman Weiner's adolescent sexual Internet behavior, but there is another element to this story that everyone who is concerned about the problem of Islam should be aware of.
"Weiner's wife, Huma Abedin is described as a practicing Moslem. While it is true that she is in violation of Sharia law for marrying a Jew, her biography raises serious concerns. Her father, a Muslim from India, was a scholar of Islam. Her mother, a Muslim from Pakistan, is professor of sociology in Saudi Arabia. Abedin was born in America, but she lived in Saudi Arabia from the age of 2 until she went to college at Georgetown. Her entire upbringing was in Saudi Arabia. Her parents clearly had to conform to the extreme Saudi teachings of Islam while teaching there. Has Abedin renounced any of the violent religious bigotry inherent in the doctrines of Islam which she was taught by her parents and her life in Saudi Arabia?
"Abedin is the closest confidant and assistant to our American Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. What advice do you supposed Abedin is giving our Secretary of State about Islam, the Islamic world and Israel? There is no way that Abedin can be loyal to her parents and her Islamic upbringing, and also be loyal to America. The two are mutually exclusive. It is either the Koran or the American Constitution, but not both.
"I urge you to visit the online discussions about Congressman Weiner raise these questions about Abedin's influence on our Secretary of State. Please go the Washington Post, CNN and the Wall Street Journal and leave your comments. Many people will read them. This is an excellent opportunity for us to raise the issue of Islamic doctrines. Feel free to cite a passage or two from the Koran. People need to read them!"

Firefighters As Spies

The lamestream media told you:
The Patriot Act was a necessary compromise to protect the American homeland. The small changes to civil rights, like monitoring overseas phone calls, library records or emails to detect terrorist activity, is a small concession designed to keep us safe, and nothing to worry about. Fringe groups like the ACLU have objected to the common-sense plans.

The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
The government effort to monitor potentially dangerous activity may be a juggernaut with inadequate controls, plunging headlong into territory as dangerous as the threats it seeks to prevent. Islamic jihadis, without knowing it, may have unleashed a federalized terror force that could be worse than Islamists are.

Firefighters and ambulance personnel have constant daily access to people's homes without a search warrant. Now, according to a report in Newsday [see AP story here], "When going to private residences, for example, they are told to be alert for -- a person who is hostile, uncooperative or expressing hate or discontent with the United States; unusual chemicals or other materials that seem out of place; ammunition, firearms or weapons boxes; surveillance equipment; still and video cameras; night-vision goggles; maps, photos, blueprints; police manuals, training manuals, flight manuals; and little or no furniture other than a bed or mattress."

The Dept. of Homeland Security has opened intelligence channels in major cities to pursue this terror-watch tool.

"We're there to help people, and by discovering these type of events, we're helping people," said New York City Fire Chief Salvatore Cassano.

Programs are apparently underway in 13 states so far, with Atlanta, Phoenix and Wash., D.C., specifically named in the Nov. 23, 2007 report. According to open-minded apologists following the developments, "If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to worry about."

The Uninvited Ombudsman notes that, under the leaked guidelines, he might be subject to an awfully long time in the slammer, without having actually done anything wrong. He does, however, have a significant amount of furniture, which might be a mitigating factor and decrease the sentence.

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NSA Phone Database

The lamestream media told you:

Security forces in the United States, lead by the National Security Agency, a spy unit, have collected the pin register calling data from phone companies nationwide.

The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:

Leaked news about secret security operations gravely threatens national security, but that is well known. This data, which already exists at the quasi-monopoly government-regulated tax-collecting phone companies, has been used for decades, on site at the phone companies, for numerous law enforcement and security purposes. The careful migration of the data from the companies to a central computer is the pot calling the kettle black.

By way of comparison, government-chartered banks, which provide detailed personal data to the government on a regular basis, under court orders that are handed out when requested by officials, goes on at such a great scale that banks maintain entire offices dedicated to nothing but government investigators, who work on site in bank skyscrapers, poring over the necessary files. The routine maintenance of these offices is not publicized when customers open new accounts. If government investigators want your data, the chances they cannot get it are slim and none. So fight that if you wish, not the media-kindled kafuffles of the day.

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About the Author

  • Freelance writer Alan Korwin is a founder and past president of the Arizona Book Publishing Association. With his wife Cheryl he operates Bloomfield Press, the largest producer and distributor of gun-law books in the country. Here writing as "The Uninvited Ombudsman," Alan covers the day's stories as they ought to read. Read more.

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